Tackling NEET Toolkit

These resources were presented via two Bath University led workshops at Yeovil College. These workshops provided research-based and practical tools to support you in your work with young people NEET/ at risk of becoming NEET. 

Connect your practical experience with research informed frameworks for understanding the risks to NEEThood and planning effective interventions.

Below you can access the resources including a video and training materials to support you in applying these insights to young people you support. 


Understanding NEEThood – Workshop 1 

Presentation for the CPD workshop held at Yeovil College on 20th February which introduces a holistic lens for understanding NEET and aims to deepen practitioners understanding of the complex, interlinked risk factors to NEEThood. 

Professional Development Training Presentation 1 - Understanding NEET Narrated training presentation

PowerPoint presentation download Presentation from the Somerset session at Yeovil College

PDF presentation download

Video: Conceptual Framework for Understanding the risks to early leaving

Training Resource: Applying the Framework 

Case Studies 

Article: A Conceptual Framework for Researching the Risks to Neethood

Academic article: comparing young people’s and educators’ views on the risks to NEEThood, drawing on data from South West England

Academic article: integrating insights from classic child development theorist Urie Bronfenbrenner (1979) and recent understanding of young people’s agentic responses to barriers (Brown 2140) and presenting an original model for understanding the risks to NEEThood

Research Findings Overview (available soon)

Intervening - Tackling NEEThood – Workshop 2 

Resources from the CPD workshop held at Yeovil College on 19th May which introduced three key resources to support intervention: 

  • The Pathway to Change model of mechanisms underpinning effective interventions for young people who are NEET/ at risk of NEET   
  • Handbook of 13 intervention strategies 
  • Action planning tool for interventions 

Professional Development Training Presentation 2 - Intervening on NEET Narrated training presentation

PowerPoint presentation download  Presentation from the Somerset session at Yeovil College

PDF presentation download 

Pathway to Change Video 

Brief Guide to the Intervention Strategies 

Handbook of 13 Intervention Strategies 

Intervention Case Studies (soon to be updated) 

Action Planning Tool 

Training Resource: Tool for reviewing individual’s risks to NEET, support in place and identifying areas requiring support 

Academic Article: Five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEEThood: Introducing a pathway to change to guide educators’ support strategies 

Baseline questionnaire and final questionnaire: these questionnaires can be edited by individual settings to measure and review the impact of interventions on young people’s attitudes to school and learning, sense of belonging and feelings about the intervention.  

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