Engaging With Education

Who to contact

All secondary school websites should publish contact details for their Careers Leader and outline their school’s career education programme. If you don’t already know relevant colleagues in the school, then start by asking for the Careers Leader – or the person who looks after careers advice.

When to make contact

Careers activity takes place throughout the year, although there will be less during the key exam months of April to June. Activities are often planned 6 months to a year ahead, so that timetables and teaching cover can be organised. So, if you are planning an open day or similar activity, please be sure to give local schools plenty of notice. 

How you can help

At school

  • Inspiration – by telling groups of students about the opportunities in your industry sector, and how they can prepare themselves to get in and get on. This raises aspirations – and may trigger an interest in a future employee!
  • Challenge – schools often hold ‘enterprise events’ setting groups of students work related challenges. Providing feedback from an employer perspective can be really beneficial.
  • Preparation – schools often offer students ‘mock interviews’ so they are better prepared for the real thing. Taking part in these gives you an insight into young people’s communication styles and also hones your interviewing skills.

At your workplace

  • Inspiration – hosting a short workplace visit showcases the opportunities in your sector and can help young people identify if this is a career they would like to pursue. It can also help you to dispel any prevailing myths about your industry.
  • Preparation – offering a longer period of work experience, helps young people gain a real understanding of what is required in the workplace. If you have recruitment needs you can also use this opportunity to gauge the skills of young people without a formal interview situation. 

The Education Landscape Index provides a comprehensive overview of opportunities available helping you to find activities that suit you and your organisation.
For opportunities in your area, search our opportunity directory, subscribe to our newsletter or contact us directly for more help and guidance. 

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